Wednesday, April 1, 2020

What is God doing? COVID19 Week 3

I recently offered a sermon to our church community reflecting on Jacob's realization (Genesis 28) that God was active in a place that was ordinary. I asked each to consider how they might posture their life in a way to pay attention to God, to seek God's revelation.

If I'm honest, I was preaching to myself. 

The crazy of this pandemic makes it easy to succumb to the oversaturation of information as a means to feel a sense of control. Or is that just me? But maybe, there is redemption being birthed under the surface of my crazy.

This week I emerged from the cloud to sit before God and ask, "How is God working?" While I do not presume to know exactly, I do sense the following 5 L's of God's work in this season of the Church:

a. Lament - Romans 12:15 tells us to "weep with those who weep." A lament is suffering or anguish turned to prayer. Many of the psalms and an entire Biblical book (Lamentations) are focused on humans offering to God our laments. At the same time we follow Jesus who wept over the loss of Lazarus, who wept over the city of Jerusalem. God does not stand afar from our suffering but enters into it with us. Knowing that, we are evermore free to share our laments to God.
  • For those who are sick
  • For those who are vulnerable
  • For high school and college seniors and their families
  • For travel plans changed
  • For the loss of income
  • For the grief over not gathering together
b. Linking Us - It is fun to see the creative ways in which we are connecting with each other, especially in prayer. We need community and the absence of physical touch cannot squelch our need to connect!

c. Liberating Us - Some of our unhealthy patterns, false idols and weaknesses are being revealed. That is good. What we do with those things is what matters. Will you offer to God these things and receive His liberation or will you deny them or numb them and just hurt yourself. One example: our desire for control (and realization that much of this is beyond our ability) is one "issue" that I consistently hear surfacing. We can either admit it to God and seek his healing or we can numb it with alcohol and pornography (two industries whose usage is rising during this time). The Spirit of God will only surface things in your life that God wants to heal. The blood of Jesus is big enough to heal any brokenness and the resurrection of Jesus awaits! New life awaits.

d. aLigning Homes - God is certainly using this time to help each of us see our homes as sanctuaries, where His presence is known. Couples are praying together. Parents are stepping into the primary spiritual leadership of their children. Singles are finding creative ways to connect.

e. aLighting God's People - Jesus is the hope of all the earth and He has sent you as his ambassadors of that Good news. You carry the light of Christ within you. By not gathering together we are choosing to love our community, especially the vulnerable. When I see you support the community, pray for those on the front line, sew masks for the healthcare industry and call on your neighbors I think - this is the church's finest hour! God is using us to share the hope of Christ with one another! 

What are you being liberated from?
For what are you lamenting?
How is God inviting you to reclaim your house as God's abode?
With whom are you connecting?

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What is God doing? COVID19 Week 3

I recently offered a sermon to our church community reflecting on Jacob's realization (Genesis 28) that God was active in a place that...